Dear choir,
1. The International Choral Festival of Preveza is organised by autonomous choral organisation, namely the Choral Society of Preveza «Armonia» and it is of a non-profitable character.
2. In its frames, a very trustworthy choral competition takes place, which is attended annually by numerous choirs from all over the world. Moreover, the fact that its Jury Committee consists of globally renowned choral personalities guarantees the validity and reliability of its results, while at the same time it has a strongly educational character since the choirs’ directors get both written and oral recommendations, as well as recordings of their choir’s performance in the competition.
3. Its educational character is even more strengthened with the realization of a choral conducting workshop by globally renowned choral conducting professors.
4. Preveza is a safe and easily accessible town at the northern-western edge of the area of Epirus.
5. Tourist infrastructure is rather satisfying, while prices concerning accommodation and restaurants are rather low for any economic capacity.
For more information, please visit our Calendar of Events.